TOTEM EDA-E Navigation Data Auditing

Totem EDA enables easy identification of Near Misses by analyzing recorded navigational data from Totem ECDIS and/or Totem VDR. The Main purpose of EDA is to increase safety standards of navigators on ship and reduce the number of near accidents at the sea. The idea behind EDA is simple: analyzing the navigational data from VDR and/or ECDIS, finding the events that are considered not safe and that should have not happened, and instructing the ships crews of the findings.


The program is friendly and its use is intuitive. The user can define the criteria that he wants to find by using recorded information such as speed, depth, distance from other ships etc. (distance can be calculated from either AIS or ARPA). “Near collision”, for example, can be defined as an event where another ship passed at a distance smaller than 04 miles, while steaming at speed greater than 15 knots and at a depth greater than 30 meters (see picture 1). Once the criteria for the search are defined the program will search all available data files to find a possible match. The criteria can also be given a title and be saved for future use.


The EDA (E-Navigation Data Analysis) is a software tool for the shore office that analyzes historical data, as recorded by Totem ECDIS or Totem VDR. The EDA software is give for free to clients of Totem Plus. Findings of EDA can show that the company is indeed doing navigation audit as per ISM. 
Further, taking into account that managers are very busy and have no time for navigation analysis, Totem Plus offer EDA as a monthly service to owners and managers. Totem Plus personnel will analyze the data on a monthly basis and will issue a Navigation Performance report  (see sample report ).
Experience with two large fleets shows that using EDA has a dramatic effect navigation practice onboard and on safety of navigation.

Main Advantages :
Analyzing recorded Totem ECDIS and/or Totem VDR data
Enables easy identification of NEAR ACCIDENTS
Feedback to vessels shows marked reduction in UNSAFE EVENTS!!!
Free of charge with the purchase of Totem VDR or Totem ECDIS


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