T40/60/80/100/120/240/300 TV maritime satellite antenna

The T-Series TVRO is a popular maritime satellite television system, made for high performance and superior quality by Marine Radio Co., Ltd. It has a dish from 40cm to 300cm, which is perfect for vessels yet still maintains a wide coverage range. The ADE has a 3-axis stabilisation system with enhanced reception which many others cannot rival. It has strong frame antenna and built-in GPS for fast satellite acquisition and higher performance to stay locked on, which helps the mariners to receive analogue, digital, and HDTV signals while vessel is cruising in rough sea conditions. In addition to wide coverage range and built-in GPS for fast satellite acquisition, it also includes DVB-S2 (digital video broadcasting) signal identification, and MRC's proprietary antenna control and fast-track signal lock software, plus high-performance stabilisation which can track satellites even in inclement weather. Also the system will support multiple receivers and its programmes have worldwide coverage.




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