LILLEY & GILLIE Navmaster 800 MKII

Navmaster ECDIS is an established Electronic Chart Display and Information System, incorporating the input of many navigators and Type-approved to the latest IMO standards.
Designed to deliver clear functionality and ease of use in a familiar MS Windows environment, Navmaster ECDIS provides for traditional navigation skills in a modern software application. The ECDIS hardware elements are well-suited for installation on new builds and simple to retrofit into existing bridge layouts.


Real-time route monitoring
Navmaster ECDIS automatically displays primary and secondary position and provides vital voyage information including:
> Data from all interfaced sensors
> ARPA & AIS target data
> Heading indicator & forward prediction
> Scaled ship outline
> Warnings & alarms: anti-grounding, safety contours, off-track, wheelover, critical point etc
> Automatic logbook plus manual entry
> Navigator’s toolkit for drawing lines, points, areas on charts with text
> Manual fixing & event recording
> Logs & Chart status reports – can be exported in MS Office formats
> UKHO AIO & TotalTide integrated
> AIO implementation includes route-checking against both T&P Notices to Mariners and ENC-specific NTMs

Route planning
Navmaster’s route planning is unique among ECDIS systems and superior to the norm. The resulting passage plan report can be used to conform to the ISM Code and to Company quality requirements.
> Separate wpt & route databases for efficient planning
> Notes can be stored for each wpt & transferred to routes
> Detailed passage plan includes instructions & notes
> Plan report customised with Company name & logo
> Databases exportable to MS Office formats
> Passage plans can be emailed to head offices
> Import/export routes from UKHO e-Navigator
> Import/export routes from MeteoConsult SPOS

ARPA & radar image
ARPA targets are continuously monitored with additional data shown in the side panel.
> Unlimited ARPA targets
> Automatic storage of target data
> Commands quickly accessible from toolbar
> Go To target button when target not on current chart
> Radar image overlay option – simple to retrofit

Combined with ARPA, AIS provides the navigator with a comprehensive presentation of the traffic situation.
> Unlimited AIS targets
> Information filtered between Static, Dynamic and Voyage data
> Quick View button to display text labels
> All targets accessible in side panel
> Easy upload of Own Ship voyage data to AIS receiver

Voyage data record & playback
Navmaster’s VDR feature automatically captures all own and other vessel data without crew action, stores the data compressed and encrypted enabling voyages to be reconstructed.
This provides vital evidence in the event of an incident, helps to resolve insurance claims and offers a trial manoeuvre and training tool. To play back voyages on another PC requires an office-based Navmaster installation.
> Unlimited data capture period (default 90 days)
> User-defined auto-delete interval
> Playback in real time, speeded up or slowed down
> Navmaster features are fully operational in playback
> Vessel outline drawn with heading marker & direction vector



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