LEICA MX420 Navigation System

The Most Advanced DGPS Navigation System
Building on the success of the MX412B navigator, the MX420/8 system establishes itself as the world’s best type-approved navigator by integrating DGPS technology with Leica’s already world famous GPS marine navigation system.
More functions and capabilities over the MX412B mean that you will navigate more easily and accurately. A smartly designed and compact control and display unit allows one-button access to essential navigation data. User-friendly features include the Edit function, last-used menu memory, and automatic satellite acquisition.
Other features included on the MX420/8:
Eight bi-directional NMEA 0183 ports (2 with the MX420/2 model)
DGPS integration
Single or dual redundancy
Astonishing 1 meter accuracy with Leica’s MX421DGPS beacon receiver!
10 different function modes for easy navigation
GOTO, Mark, and Man Over Board one-touch function keys
Tide program, Sun and Moon almanac, wind calculations
3-D Panorama display mode
Up to 2000 waypoints and 100 routes, with icons and alphanumeric characters
Software is IBM compatible, with ability to print or download more data
MX420/8 software upgradeable for AIS


MX420/2 has been replaced with MX510 CDU
MX420/8 has been replaced with MX512 CDU
The MX 420/AIS seamlessly integrates the safety of AIS technology with the conveniences of the MX 420/8, already the most advanced DGPS navigator on the market.
The MX420/AIS automatically transmits vital data, including ship identification, cargo information, GPS coordinates, as well as route information such as ETA, speed, and rate of turn. The AIS system relieves officers of the watch, radar controllers, and land-based VTS Center Watchmen from once impossible tasks by transmitting, receiving, and updating vital information automatically, even during inclement weather and poor visibility.
With only one combined Control and Display Unit, you can now access all related information and still command full control of all GPS, DGPS and AIS functions. The system connects directly to the ship's navigation sensors as well as ECDIS, ARPA and your other shipboard information systems.
Adding AIS to navigation for spontaneous ship-to-ship or ship-to-shore recognition will greatly enhance safety at sea, and provide mariners with new levels of real-time information. Designed with the deep-sea commercial mariner in mind, we have created multiple configurations to suit the size and complexity of any vessel.
Our MX420 Navigation System has the industry's brightest displays and, of course, the legendary World's Most Accurate.
The MX420 Navigation System utilizes the latest achievements in GPS technology, developed in our partnership with IBM. The results are nothing short of astounding! Our Autonomous GPS accuracy is now typically 2.5 meters and our DGPS beacon accuracy is an astonishing 1 meter! The GPS and the DGPS beacon receivers now reside inside our new Smart Antenna (MX421 or MX421B).
In the full system configuration, the MX420 Control and Display Unit connects directly to the ship's gyro and speed log, as well as to ECDIS, ARPA, SatCom and the Pilot's laptop.
In addition, there are dedicated ports for the MX421 Smart GPS/DGPS Antenna and the AIS transponder, as well as an optional second MX420 system for full redundancy. 



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