The SAILOR TT-3000SSA Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) rests on the renowned and very reliable Inmarsat-C technology from Thrane & Thrane, which for more than a decade has been an integral part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).

The SAILOR TT-3000SSA is a very cost-efficient stand alone solution featuring no subscription fees and fulfils all requirements of  SOLAS Resolution XI-2/6 and is approved by all major classification societies. The standard SAILOR TT-3000SSA package consists of a SAILOR TT-3026M mini-C transceiver with 20 meter* transceiver cable,  interconnection box, followed by two alert buttons and one test button that can be installed up to 50 meters** away from the  interconnection box.

Flexible SSAS Alert Routing and Positioning The SAILOR TT-3000SSA can deliver SSAS alerts direct to competent authorities and other destinations, as specified by the ISPS code and shipping company. As an additional feature, the SAILOR TT-3000SSA is capable of reporting its GPS positions on regular intervals. The settings are fully end-user controlled from remote via satellite link and thus independent from crew interventions on board.


Sailor® TT-3000E-mini-C-GMDSS

The Sailor TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS System is based on the maritime communications experience and expertise of Thrane & Thrane to provide the 4th generation of GMDSS solutions.

It is designed and developed to meet the market's demand for communications reliability and stability. No matter whether it be an emergency distress signal or a day-to-day commercial message or call, the Sailor TT-3000E offers the best choice and one of the most reliable GMDSS satcomm platforms available.
Its compact, rugged design makes this mini-C transceiver a very attractive GMDSS unit and is based on proven technology, from the largest supplier of Inmarsat-C terminals
SSAS (Ship Security Alert System) add-on
The Sailor TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS can also function as SSAS (Ship Security Alert System). This possible option is based on the the well-known SAILOR TT-3000SSA SASS and is a natural development add-on solution for the SAILOR TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS system. The SSAS add-on kit is expected to be available from second quarter of 2006.
  • Two-way fax, data and email transfer to worldwide destinations
  • Receives Inmarsat-C broadcasted of maritime safety information
  • Data and position reporting to multiple destinations and at timed intervals
  • Easy, flexible installation
  • SSAS functionality option - upgrade solution
  • Supports LocPoint, Web-based tracking and the management of SSAS



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