The SAILOR In Smarsat-C GMDSS System from Thrane & Thrane rests on a solid combination of two highly acclaimed and reliable products that roams the seas and is the living legend of global safety.

The SAILOR TT-3020C In Smarsat-C GMDSS transceiver is your ultimate choice for global marine safety communication. Complying with the latest SOLAS/GMDSS requirements, the system includes Worldwide marine distress functions and thus ensuring that rescue activities can be initiated in a fast and secure way.

It also enables users to send and receive all kinds of written messages, including Enhanced Group Call (EGC) such as SafetyNET and FleetNet. The SAILOR TT-3020C GMDSS transceiver supports all In Smarsat-C communication modes, including e-mail, TELEX, X.25 and mobile to land SMS and fax services.

The SAILOR TT-3005M antenna is the smallest maritime In Smarsat-C antenna in the world, and you are ensured trouble free operation down to -15° of elevation. The SAILOR TT-3005M is fully sealed and designed for the most extreme weather conditions at sea.


The well-known SAILOR TT-3020C Inmarsat-C GMDSS Transceiver is your ultimate choice for global marine safety communication. Complying with the latest SOLAS/GMDSS requirements, the system includes World-wide Marine Distress functions and thus ensuring that a rescue mission can be initiated in a fast and secure way. It also enables users to send and receive all kinds of written messages, including Enhanced Group Call such as SafetyNET and FleetNet.

The TT-3020C offers fast and reliable connections to any fax and data subscriber worldwide and/or directly to and from another Inmarsat-C unit.

The ruggedized, extremely compact design, and power conserving features of the TT-3020C transceiver, makes it very attractive for use in your new GMDSS installation.

Use it for control, management, and/or communication, and always be ensured of a fast and reliable transfer of vital information, i.e. position reporting, data monitoring, messaging, fleet co-ordination, etc.

The TT-3020C transceiver can be supplied with our compact omni-directional SAILOR TT-3005M antenna, integrating both Inmarsat-C and GPS operation into one single unit.

Operation and control of the TT-3020C may be performed via the TT-3606E GMDSS approved message terminal.

Additional peripherals such as ac/dc power supply with automatic switchover, remote alarms, and EGC printers, etc. may be supplied for your GMDSS installation.

The transceiver also includes a number of parallel control ports, standard NMEA 0183 nav/data interface and an advanced ArcNet local network interface for connection of up to several ArcNet printers and alarm panels.

  • Full compliance with the latest Inmarsat-C specifications for SOLAS/GMDSS with distress calling CN114, IEC 1097-4, IEC 945, and CE requirements.
  • Extremely power conserving, lightweight, and compact design (car radio size).
  • 2-way data, fax, and e-mail transfer to destinations worldwide.
  • Data- and position reporting to multiple destinations and time intervals.
  • Pre-programming of DNID's for global coverage.
  • Ideal for maritime SOLAS/GMDSS installations with floating dc-supply.
  • The SAILOR TT-3000SSA fully meets and exceeds requirements for LRIT and should also be concidered as the main carrier of LRIT transmissions



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