The NetWave VDR series are an entirely new generation of Ultra Compact (S)VDRs, designed with emphasis on cost-effective installation and ease of use. On today’s market, this system provides the smallest footprint, the lowest installation cost and offers the ship owner the option to not merely consider the (S)VDR system as a mandatory necessity, but provides management tools and data to improve transparency in the ship’s overall operational performance.
Fast Track Installation
Simplified installation due to one single wire WaveConnect® cabling between the main units using ‘no-solder’ Quickcon© hermetically sealed connectors, which allow connections within 10 seconds, requiring no tooling, and achieve long lasting protection. Daisy-chainable interconnection schemes further reduce installation cost. With WaveNet Single Wire connection for Data as well as for Power, the amount of cabling necessary is reduced with more than 50%, allowing the system installation to perform faster than any other SVDR.
Auto Configuring
As soon as the system is in place, you can press the start button on the Bridge Control Unit. Right after this, the system will auto configure itself, detecting which system is on which channel. Auto Configuring will reduce the time needed by the engineer to install the system as well as the number of errors made by manual installation.
NW-4800 Hardened Storage Server
Netwave developed its own Hardened Storage Server, making sure the total concept is in our hands. With our own capsule with integrated storage server and network drive, we prove to be the expert on VDR and S-VDR.
Flexible Modular Design
We make no difference between S-VDR and VDR, except for the number of WaveNet Interface Modules to be connected. With our daisy chained, single wire system, you can increase the number of Interface Modules by just adding them to the system!
Service Friendly
Power over Ethernet enables you to change adaptors or total interfaces within 15 minutes by un-plugging the channel, removing the adaptor and re-plugging the channel again. This will reduce your service costs over the years, which can otherwise be a huge burden afterwards!
- Live Data Monitoring: On the bridge control unit, you can see real time storing activity of the VDR.
- Laptop: If you would like to see the software on your screen, just plug a laptop into the JR-45 port in front of the bridge control unit and you can instantly check the system. Ideal for engineers and customs officers!
- Compact Flash Data Retrieval: Optionally, a compact flash card can be integrated in the Bridge Control Unit, offering you the possibility to take the latest data with you for use in an external environment.
- Remote Diagnostics: With secured passwords, you can check in the system real time from your office PC via Satcom. With our WavePlay software, you can easily make the right diagnostics for management purposes.